Beauty & Lifestyle Favorites of 2017

beauty and lifestyle favorites of 2017

I’ve finally compiled a list of all my top beauty and lifestyle favorites of 2017! I tried tons of new things last year, and these are the ones that I would say were my most favorite, the most successful and worth the money. Hope you enjoy and find some of these recommendations helpful! Not everything is pictured since I am out of a few of them currently.

beauty and lifestyle favorites displayed on gold tray

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Audible: This was my all time favorite discovery of 2017 because of how much power it has to change my mindset and my life! Obviously, I have heard people talk about using audible for a long time now but it took me forever to jump on the bandwagon. Now I’m IN LOVE. Reading is one of my favorite things in life, and because I have been keeping myself busy recently on other things, I never make the time to actually sit down and read a physical book. But I also had this huge list of recommendations from my friends and things I was intrigued to read too, so I decided to do it in a way where I can also be multi-tasking and completing my mundane tasks at the same time. I will do a whole post soon with more details of why I love Audible so much and my favorite books. It is well worth the money!! Continue reading “Beauty & Lifestyle Favorites of 2017”

Goals for 2018

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to focus on this year. Putting my goals into writing these past couple years has actually been really effective for me. It’s such a good way to get them out of my head, onto paper and keep going back and checking in with them and seeing how my progress is going. It seems odd until you do it, but the process of actually saying things out loud or writing them down is just more powerful than thinking them.

I think its partly because until you really decide to do something, you don’t really hold yourself to it, it’s more of just an idea swirling around your head that you are thinking about but not deciding to do. At least that has been the case for me! I’ve really enjoyed getting to go back and see what my goals were for the past 2 years, which of them I’ve accomplished, didn’t so much or even changed direction or priorities on. Continue reading “Goals for 2018”

Reflecting back on 2017

Before I post my new goals and dreams for 2018, I thought I would take a little bit and reflect back on my list of goals for 2017. I’ve done this the past couple years and it has been so cool to go back and see which things I accomplished and how I have grown in the span of a year. Btw, isn’t it simply shocking how fast time seems to go by as an adult?? Sometimes I can barely believe it, especially since when I was a teenager it seemed like timed just and I was in such a hurry to grow up and live my own life!

Continue reading “Reflecting back on 2017”

A Glam Winter Wonderland Christmas Mantle

Happy New Year everyone!! Did you have a good Christmas?? I had a really nice low-key Christmas with my hubs and our two cat children! 🙂

So even though Christmas is over and it’s already New Year’s, I wanted to share my Christmas mantle decor that I never got to post about yet! Better late than never, right? 🙂

My favorite part of my Christmas decor turned out to be the mantle and fireplace. I was so excited to get a fireplace in our new house and especially excited to decorate it for Christmas! Stockings hung on an actual mantle, and not the countertops or somewhere else, imagine? 🙂 Continue reading “A Glam Winter Wonderland Christmas Mantle”

The coziest blankets & throws to cuddle up in this winter

As a general rule of thumb, I really like simplicity and try to be somewhat minimal in not having too many of any one thing in the house. You know, like collections. I do a pretty good job most of the time of ruthlessly purging and keeping the clutter at bay, and try not to have duplicate items that do the same thing. However, there are a few categories of things I can rarely say no to and constantly buy. My weaknesses, if you will. One of those things is…super soft and cozy blankets!

the coziest blankets and throws to cuddle up in this winter

Continue reading “The coziest blankets & throws to cuddle up in this winter”

Master Bathroom Decor & Storage Ideas

Welcome to our Master Bathroom! This is one of the cooler features in our new home. It makes getting ready in the morning a nice and relaxing process since there is lots of space to spread out! This bathroom was updated by the previous owners and it has some super nice and luxurious upgrades. I will say that depending on how far we get with making this whole house updated to our specific taste, I may or may not be updating this bath a bit in the future. We will see!

The layout and lots of things would stay the same, just possibly going with a more white and grey color scheme which we will slowly be transitioning the rest of the house to as well. Just our personal preference! For now, though, we love getting to use this awesome bathroom. Really, all I have done in here so far is just putting little touches here and there with accessories and decor! I love how it is working out so far, it feels very streamlined and organized.

Continue reading “Master Bathroom Decor & Storage Ideas”

New Home Tour!

New Home Tour

Hi guys!!! I am SO excited to finally be able to share our new home tour with you! We recently bought our very first home just over 3 months ago and are nicely settled in now. You will see that it is still a bit empty and bare since there is tons left to do! But we are enjoying the process and taking our time making it perfect. It already feels like home! I hope you enjoy the video. Welcome to our home! 🙂

Continue reading “New Home Tour!”

Last Empties Post: Part 2

It’s time for the second part of my last beauty and body product empties post! I have decided to replace these types of posts with Monthly Favorites instead. I am excited to start bringing you all my favorite products I am loving each month. I am thinking it will include not just beauty products, but also lifestyle faves. Can’t wait!

last empties: part 2

Here is the last round up of all the empties I have been collecting for quite a while! Life got a bit crazy when we moved to our new house, so it got kind of put on hold for a while. Here you go!  Continue reading “Last Empties Post: Part 2”

Last Empties Post: Part 1

The last of the empties huh? How’s that for being mysterious?! Why is this my last empties post you ask? Well, honestly I have decided that they aren’t my favorite way to highlight the products I have been loving recently. While waiting till a product is empty to give a review is a pretty good gauge of if it works for you or not, I would say I am disappointed more frequently than I am thrilled with the products I try. I don’t think I am super picky or anything, but it is just kind of difficult to find new favorites in the world of mostly natural products. Not that any of them are bad per se, they just don’t always work for me.

last empties: part 1

I like to focus more on the positives and wins than I do the fails. So…I am excited to start bringing Monthly Favorites to the blog instead! I love watching/reading monthly fave round-ups so I think they will be super fun to do. And then I will be sharing all the things I actually love! I think that will be a way more effective way to share the things I truly recommend. I am thinking of doing more than just beauty and skincare, but also lifestyle faves, books, shows, anything I am into at the moment each month. We will see! Continue reading “Last Empties Post: Part 1”

8 Things we learned buying our first home

My husband and I recently bought our very first home! And let me tell you, it feels like a really big deal! We have been married for 11 years now and have rented apartments the whole time. Of course, a lot of them have been very nice, and we have been very thankful for them. But there is just something about living in a house that is actually YOURS. Where you can do whatever you want to it! (within a realistic budget of course!) I have been excited for this moment for literally my entire life. I always looked forward to the day where I could have a house where there were no limitations, and I could make it look exactly how I wanted. It feels amazing to have finally made that dream come true!

That being said, there were things throughout the whole process that were a bit unexpected and we had to adjust our expectations several times throughout it. Since I am obsessed with all things Househunters and and I are basically besties, I assumed I knew most of what went into buying a house. But as it turns out, there were still a few things I didn’t know I didn’t know! And now I’m here to share those things with you…so YOU will know! 🙂

Here goes: 8 things we learned buying our first home!

8 Things We Learned buying our first home Continue reading “8 Things we learned buying our first home”